So we are almost finished with the Jade's room which is good because I just found out that I will be induced Wed the 27th which is my sister Chandler's birthday. They will start me with 12 hours of cirvidil, so I probably won't end up having her until Thursday. I'm SOOOOO excited a week still seems too long to wait. My doctor suggested that Dan and I go to a restaurant with no highchairs allowed and go see a couple of movies before the big day. I was 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced and her head was in -2 station. The doc thinks it will be a pretty easy labor so I'm hoping that she's right. I'm not too uncomfortable yet just anxious to meet her. Here are some pics of her room. I still need to get a bumper and we need to hang some more stuff on the wall but this is what it pretty much will look like. I also put in a pic of her cute cradle that she will be sleeping in for the first while. Thanks to Ellen for the crib, and lots of the stuff in the room!!!
Best Basic Old-Fashioned Pancakes
This recipe for old-fashioned pancakes calls for basic, every day
ingredients for the fluffiest, yummiest pancakes ever! Instead of
buttermilk or sour cr...
1 week ago