Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Jade's hair can be braided!! Isn't that crazy? I can't believe it, she is growing up so fast!

She has been super cute lately. She likes to cheer me on no matter what I may be doing.
She says,"Go mommy, go!!"
Or, "You can do it mommy!"

Some of the times that she likes to cheer for me:

When I am opening the gate to our parking garage
When I'm making her pancakes
When I am leading music in primary
When I am doing the dishes

It's so great to have my own cute little cheerleader making my day just a little better.

By the way, yesterday Jade said a 6 word sentence!!
She was talking to my sister Jordan and she said, "Look at me Jordan, I'm coloring!"

At least she is a smart cheerleader! :)


So many blogs..too little time said...

Go Jade, Go Jade, Go Jade!

The Lindes said...

oh my goodness! she looks so much older with her hair braided! too cute.

Juliann said...
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Juliann said...

I can't believe she has enough hair to braid, and I also can't believe you can braid her hair like that! Very impressive. You will have to teach me one day. I have NO skills with hair. (Clearly)
P.S. Sorry, that was me that deleted the comment. I messed up. Ha!

Emily said...

LOL--"at least she's a smart cheerleader"! I totally laughed at that. You're a funny blogger, Jaz--your sense of humor & personality really come through in even short-ish posts like this one:) I loved the braid and LOVE that cute lacy dress of Jade's. Hope you guys get to see Ry this week!

Chandler & Cort Johnson said...

her hair is so cute! p.s take a picture of your muscles, i don't believe you. ha