Sunday, June 19, 2011

Two separate ER visits in one day

Poor little Jade. She had a rough day. It all started Thursday night. I went to visit Juliann in the hospital because she had her twins. And by the way they are adorable. Annabelle looked like a little doll. So perfect. Anyway, while I was gone Dan took Jade and Stevie down to play on the grass. They were playing some game when Jade tripped over Stevie and smacked her chin right on a brick. I got home later that night and Dan had already put Jade to bed with just a band-aid. He said it looked fine so I didn't worry. The next morning I took a look and thought it was pretty bad. Not too deep but just wide. I took a picture and sent it to Dan's dad (who is a doctor). He told me that we needed to bring her in. Luckily, with Dan's hook ups at the hospital we got to go in the back door and were brought immediately into a room. It still took awhile but they decided to glue her cut back together with a special glue.

We were finally done and ready to leave the ER and go to Underwood farms. Stevie had been looking forward to it all week. Dan was taking care of the copay while Stevie, Jade and I got the car. To pick up our car we had to go down an elevator. When the elevator reached our floor the door came open. Jade's hand was on the door and got sucked into the wall. The entire elevator door was in the wall with Jade's hand. It was horrible. I had to pull with all my strength to get her hand out. Jade was screaming, Stevie was bawling, and I was ready to cry too. I did not know what condition her hand would be in when I pulled it out. It looked pretty bad. Immediately swollen with lots of blood. We went right back up the elevator and back into the ER and into our same room. After some x-rays and another copay we were finally able to go home. No broken bones, but a nasty cut. Who would of thought that you could visit the ER twice in one day. It's healing nicely but still looks so gross. Here are some shots.

Waiting the first time for her chin to get fixed. It was good to have Stevie there with us.

Here is her poor hand

It doesn't seem to bother her at all. She even got up with the primary kids and sang the Father's day songs with them. She sang every word perfectly and stole the show. I'm glad she's not as shy as I was. It was so cute, I wish I got it on video.


Janelle said...

oh that is yucky. I'm sorry you and sweet Jade had to go through all of it. You know, Violet turned 2 in April and she recently had her finger stuck in the elevator as the door opened. Richard happened to be with us and yanked it out hard. It was scary but not bad enough for the ER. What a hard weekend you guys had. I hope next Father's Day weekend is waaaaaaaay happier.