Thursday, October 21, 2010

Elmo's World

Yesterday Jade was playing and I heard her singing. I recognized the song, do you recognize it too? Isn't that so funny? I love how she gets the do do doo part too! What a BABE! Now we are off to Dinseyland! And speaking of singing, she's singing HO HO HO HO right now!(the yo ho ho ho a pirate's life for me)I told her we are going to Dinseyland and we talked about the pirate ride.

please excuse the huge belly coming out of her shirt!


amy and adam said...

hahaha! what a little babe! My son Oliver LOVES Elmo so much when he picks up the remote to the TV he looks at us and says,"Elmo?" He hasn't got the singing down like Jade has though! That is so cute!